Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LD Post


So, going over the modeling clay muscle tissues... I realized that my mannequin was completely off in terms of muscle construction. I had basically ONLY made group muscle forms, the individual muscles were completely lost in the mix. Needless to say, I'm redoing them.

As for drawing the model, I felt like drawing the spine (however different of a technique it may be) is actually extremely helpful when it comes to the proportion of the figure, and of course the motion of the model. Drawing the spine makes it so much easier it seems to simply section off areas, especially after drawing the arm lines and leg lines. It's become very helpful in my drawings. I'm beginning to get used to drawing with my shoulder, it doesn't always just happen though, I end up having to remind myself to actually do it in class, but sooner or later I'm banking on it happening.

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