Sunday, December 19, 2010

(Nov. 18-ish)

This week we were focusing on more of the inking for our shell drawings. By this time I was kind of sick of doing just the contour lines of the shell so adding ink sounded really interesting. Of course in class the examples that Amy showed us were super fantastic final drawings of students from another teacher’s Life Drawing blog. Not to say that was intimidating but…. I was definitely intimidated. Hah. I picked up purple ink for my shell, thinking it would look good with the black and… definitely didn’t use it correctly or just bought too bright of a color.

But anyways---most of the class was a lecture about inking the shells and being aware of how the ink would affect the shell. We were advised to not let the ink take over or look like it was just added and wasn’t really apart of the drawing as a whole, but to make it look like it helped create the form give it a more realistic ‘life-like’ look. After the lecture we were allowed the last part of class to get a basic contour drawing of either our shell or the random fragments of skulls and bones to do our test on it. I chose to draw a skull as my testing object because I forgot to bring my shell into class that day. I really like drawing skulls. Someday I’d really like to be able to draw people accurately and the skull is … obviously really important. But anyways, with my skull drawing overall I was happy with it for not knowing how to draw it I guess. Then…. I added the purple ink. It was discouraging. I had been really excited to use the purple ink I thought it was going to look amazing, and then I put it on the paper and literally could not control the ink and then I just kept on adding and adding to it because I didn’t like what it looked like. I wasn’t letting it really dry either I just kept adding ink and well… yeah. Bad.

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